Madalynne Studios Tour

By Mmadalynne @mmadalynne

Coined by Edward Lorenz, the Butterfly Effect describes a phenomenon in which a small decision causes profound changes somewhere far away and/or in the future.

I sent an email to The Loom in late winter asking if there were spaces available for rent. It was a small step, maybe an inch, but it lead to Madalynne taking a giant leap forward. Because I hit the send button, I am now on the road to having my own sewing studio that offers sewing lessons and workshops. How exciting, right?

It took about a month to furnish the space, but it’s finally together. Well, almost. I informally introduced you to the studio when I signed the lease, but today, I’m formally introducing you two and giving you a photo tour. In one corner is a photography set up where I’ll shoot flat sets, portraits, etc., and in the other corner is an empty space that I’ll decorate and use as a backdrop according to each project (example here). Along the adjacent wall is a couch, side chair and coffee table. This is where I’ll meet with clients, students, etc.

Furnishing was the first step, and then next is to stock up on necessary supplies. Currently, I have one straight stitch machine and one zigzag machine set up (not plugged in for photos), but more machines are to come. Also on the to-buy list are a fold out table and chairs (for workshops and lessons) and sewing notions. I have a lot, but need a lot more. One step at a time.

Later this month, I’m meeting with two event planners and a web designer to get the ball rolling on lessons, workshops and a new site that supports what Madalynne will soon be. Stay tuned!