This A3-sized poster print of ‘Lynch’s Secret Remedies’ is a reproduction of one of the mini oil paintings/sketches from my 2020/21 self-imposed painting challenge, where I set myself the goal of creating 100 new paintings over a 12 month period.
'Lynch's Secret Remedies' (A3-size poster print), artist Wayne Chisnall
The subject of the oil sketch is a small piece of tree root that I found, that for some reason made me think of something from a David Lynch movie – hence the Lynch’s part of the title.
As with most of paintings from this series, it was painted directly onto the painting’s surface (in this case a front cover from an old Secret Remedies book) without any preliminary drawings or much in the way of me knowing what I was about to paint from the moment that I applied paintbrush to paint. I found this form of automatic painting very liberating and a fruitful creative exercise. It not only revealed new ideas and characters, but it also allowed me to be more experimental with the way I applied paint.
'Lynch's Secret Remedies' (A3-size poster print), artist Wayne Chisnall
The prints are printed on glossy, heavy-duty 300gsm paper, with digital inks that give a silk finish.
There are more poster prints to come, and all of them are priced at £20 each with free postage. If you’d like one, just DM me or drop me an email at
If there is a painting or sculpture of mine that you particularly like and feel you need a print of it let me know as there’s a chance that I might already be considering getting it made into a poster print, and your interest could be the push I need to actually get it done.