Lunchtime Listening: #Review @sego_music – Once Was Lost Now Just Hanging Around #MusicIsEverything

Posted on the 02 March 2016 by Music Vstheworld @musicvstheworld

I love Les Savy Fav and LCD Soundsystem. Maybe that’s why I am immediately attracted to the music of Sego, a duo from L.A. – their sound is somewhat reminiscent of both bands.

Their new album “Once Was Lost Now Just Hanging Around” is due for release on Friday.

A highly charged electro-pop sound interspersed with clever and barely perceptible nuances; for example, there’s a synth produced clapping type sound in “Obscene Dream” that wouldn’t be out of place in a Donna Summer or a Chic track.

Innovative, unconventional music with distinctive character doesn’t come along too often – these guys should feel triumphant about what they’ve produced.

Buy the new album on bandcamp, and check out what Sego have got to say on Twitter and Facebook. Revel in the music!