Lunchbox Meal Prep- Prep Once, Eat All Week!- Week 1, Day 2

By Vegsmoothiebunny
Hola! It's me again! And today I'm in a massive rush. I also don't have time to fix the pictures (don't know why they are so grainy?!) It's a 8am day for me today so I have to pack breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch all at once before I run out of the house.
NIGHT PREP: Last night, I stuffed my shimon blender cup with some romaine lettuce, shredded carrots and baby tomatoes (is that what they are called? The small ones? Mini tomatoes?) from the prepacked lettuce pack I bought from cold storage the other day. I also dumped in a frozen banan, added some almond milk and chia seeds. I also took out the prawns from the freezer and left them in the fridge to thaw overnight. I also took out a portion of carrot soup and dumped it into a pot in ice block form to thaw overnight as well. (Be sure to put it on a cloth in the fridge to absorb the condensation. )
This morning, I walked calmly into the kitchen (that's a lie. I almost flew in and ripped the fridge door open and contemplated eating macdonalds for breakfast this morning) THE GREATEST LIE ON EARTH is to tell yourself the previous night that you will wake up early to finish some undone work. It NEVER HAPPENS. I don't know why I always delude myself like that. Haha.
Anyway, I grabbed the blender cup out from the fridge and stuck it into the blender for 45sec. Then I put the soup pot on the stove. Couldn't find the pot lid all of a sudden WHERE DID IT GO?! It was JUST THERE 2 sec ago- didn't have time to search for it so used the pan's instead -.-

While it was blending and the soup was reheating,  I whipped out a pan and dumped a bunch of stuff from my veggie box into the pan, added the marinated prawns and gave it a quick stir. Prawns take no time to cook at all. I also added an egg coz it looked like a long day :( While it was cooking, I grabbed the wrap, turned off the blender, changed the lid and scooped up my soup into my flask. Then I placed the egg mushroom veg and prawns onto my wrap, topped it with spices and left it to cool for a bit. While it was cooling, I washed the pot and pan. Since they were both empty they only need a quick swirlw ith soap and water (please don't' tell my mother I washed the pan immediately without letting it cool. I WAS IN A RUSH. Hahah shh, shhh)

Once I was done, I packed the wraps and tadah! Everything was ready to go. All in 10 min and I even had time to eat a prawn and lettuce wrap coz it looked too yummy. AND THE MARINADE. LIME AND CHILI- amazing combi! YUM!
And enough of wraps, I'm looking forward to tmr's rice, dishes and soup combo! :)
P.s I also ran out of soup today coz my mother wanted some so I gleefully gave her some. It means so much to me when my mom expresses interest or is supportive. Mothers really can be your best or worst ally in healthy eating. It was SO tough at first but now things are a lot better! And it always helps when someone as good in cooking as my mother is interested in healthy eating. The quality of food I lunchbox to work increases TENFOLD when she cooks me my dinners. HAHA. (Sorry, I'm still super lousy so everyday I cross my fingers and hope mom cooks something. :) )
Alright! That's day 2!
See you guys tmr! :)