Lunch Warrior

By Khourianya @khourianya
With my former Kettlebelles group moving on to P90X3 and my decision not to - I know I will still need the motivation of the group to keep me on track as I move into my serious spring training.  So I compromised and said I would run on the treadie while they did their videos in the gym.
Today was the first day that worked out for all of us.  We headed down early to make sure I could get a mill, but they were all full when I got there.  So I hopped onto the elliptical with the hopes that I could get a mill quickly.
I started up my Doctor Who (YAY!) and started the motions.  GAWD I dislike the elliptical pretty strongly.   My feet just seem to go numb within moments.  But I persevered and after one false start (someone got off a mill, but another person was already queued for it), I finally got a treadmill around 10 mins into my workout.

1.33km done.  On to the more enjoyable RUN part of my day.  Fired up the treadie and hit play on The Doctor.
Time for a blurry mid-run mirror selfie (Hey - I warned y'all it'd be a landslide of selfies)  This MAY be my best one yet.

Kept it pretty easy but I was still sweating like mad.  This momma is feeling a bit out of shape these days.  Gotta put the work in to get me back where I was.
In the end - I finished up with a cool down (and The Doctor saving the day again) and had something like 6k done for the day.  My conversion skills suck.  1.33km elliptical plus 2.79 mi (4.5km?) treadie...  close enough...

Another day, another workout.  It was nice to workout "with" my girls...even if I was in a couple of different worlds while Tony yelled at them.