After looking into many blog's I thought that I could also post some lunch menus. For lunch I usually cook complete South Indian dishes only. That too when including kuzhambu recipes for the weekends, I have very less options. So I thought I could make the Mochakottai Kuzhambu.
I am not a very big fan of this kuzhambu, but love the kuzhambu my aachi(grandma) makes it. I would always prefer to have pottu kadalai thuvaiyal (roasted bengal gram thuvaiyal) as one of the side dish for these types of kuzhambus.
Prep time 45 mins (except soaking the mochakottai)
Cooking time 45-50 mins
This menu includes Boiled Rice along with Mochakottai Kuzhambu, Chow Chow Kootu,
Pootu Kadalai thuvaiyal and butter milk.
For kuzhambu using tamarind ( lemon sized) all kootu varieties will be a perfect match. In my house my amma also makes keerai kadanchathu with these types of kuzhambu.
Thuvaiyal/ thogaiyal using the roasted bengal gram , fried moong dhal will make the above combo into a great combo. Usually for these types of thuvaiyal they donot add tamarind.
Check the links for menus
Mochakottai Kuzhambu
Chow chow Kootu
Pottu kadalai thuvaiyal ( Roasted Bengal Gram thuvaiyal)