Lugano: MA Programme in Analytic Philosophy (with Philosophy of Physics Module)

By Wuthrich

The Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Lugano offers an MA programme in analytic philosophy, which includes a module in philosophy of physics (although the main emphasis is on metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, and on history of philosophy). For 2018-19, the faculty teaching in the programme are:

– Franz Berto
– Marco Colombetti
– Damiano Costa
– Paolo Crivelli
– Kit Fine
– Kathrin Koslicki
– Jon Marenbon
– Anna Marmodoro
– Kevin Mulligan
– Francesco Orilia
– François Recanati
– Andrea Rocci
– Thomas Sattig
– Peter Simons
– Giuliano Torrengo
– Achille Varzi
– Giovanni Ventimiglia
– Christian Wüthrich

The Master in Philosophy at USI differs from many other philosophy programs:

– It offers courses in contemporary analytic philosophy and in the history of philosophy, ancient and medieval, which are designed to complement each other.
– Its focus is on theoretical philosophy and its history – especially on metaphysics and the philosophy of mind.
– It has a strong thematic unity; the topic of the 2018/2020 Master is time and existence.
– It requires students to submit regular written work, to produce research papers and to develop their discussion skills in class.

This full-time study program comprises 120 ECTS spread over 4 semesters (usual duration 2 years). All philosophy courses are in English. It is possible for students to earn their degree by taking courses in English only.

For more information, please visit

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