Lucy and Joe’s Wedding Blog — Making Their Very Own History in Sorrento

By Claire

Lucy and Joe were mar­ried last sum­mer and invited Simon Bif­fen to be their wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher. Lucy is Eng­lish and Joe is Amer­i­can, so they chose a des­ti­na­tion wed­ding in Italy as a way of meet­ing in the middle!

Their theme included pur­ple details and the wed­ding day was time­less and sim­ple in style, with the loca­tion and love cre­at­ing all the atmos­phere you could dream of!

Lucy and Joe: A sunny Sor­rento wed­ding blog

Simon told me a lit­tle more about Lucy and Joe’s wed­ding day:

The beau­ti­ful and his­toric town of Sor­rento, Italy was the des­ti­na­tion for Lucy and Joe’s inti­mate wed­ding back in August. The sun was out in all its glory and even with a 4pm cer­e­mony it was still over 32 degrees!

The civil cer­e­mony was held in the stun­ning Saint Fran­cis Clois­ters. This was fol­lowed by a short walk through the cob­bled Ital­ian streets which took us to the Hotel Belle­vue, which had incred­i­ble views from the ter­races towards Mt Vesuvius.

Strangely enough the famous cat­a­strophic erup­tion was on the the very same day back in 79 AD. For­tu­nately there was no sign of a repeat event!

It was really delight­ful to pho­to­graph a cou­ple so in love and obvi­ously so very per­fect for one another, and fan­tas­tic to have cap­tured them mak­ing their very own his­tory in such a strik­ing and mem­o­rable location.”

Con­grat­u­la­tions Lucy and Joe!

With thanks to Som­er­set wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Simon Bif­fen for shar­ing this beau­ti­ful wed­ding blog. Simon is based on the Som­er­set / Devon bor­der, and will travel to Europe to pho­to­graph your des­ti­na­tion wed­ding!