That we've gotten our car back and it's running beautifully.
That Dawson is all better and the twins never got sick.
That our lucky stars have realigned.
But I can't.
Because none of that is true.
Our car has been an ongoing nightmare for two weeks now and I'm beginning to wonder if it's even fixable after we've paid all this money (that we didn't really have to begin with). We're now so far underwater in our car, it's a wonder we don't all drown.
Worse, Dawson still isn't completely better. He's getting there, but it'll likely be a few more days. Turns out he had Croup.
And now the twins have it too.
Ky has it the worst. He's been up all night coughing. Consequently, I've been up all night too.
I'm tired.
I'm frustrated.
I'm sad.
So at 4:30 this morning, I gave up trying to sleep. It's obviously not happening tonight. I'll just make a pot of coffee and get on with it.
One nice thing did happen though - When I took Ky out into the cool night air early this morning to try to help his awful cough...I was tired, frustrated, and sad...and then Ky said, "Stars!"
I looked up.
And sure enough, a sky full of stunningly clear and bright stars appeared before us.
That may be typical for where you live, but it's not common in the big city. It's literally been years since I've seen the stars like I did with my son tonight. I'm pretty sure it's the first time Ky has ever seen stars like that.
This was the clearest constellation in the sky tonight.
So for a moment, we sat outside and stared at the stars together.And we were happy.