Lower Body Workout: Wall Scissor

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Image via: here.

Happy Thursday dolls.I am here again with another fitness post, it is quite easy and with proper repetitions and consistency, you will be surprise at the result.To see the previous post of this serie, click here.
How To

Begin with your butt close to the wall, knees bent, and your feet planted on the wall. Raise your hips up, and place your elbows on the floor and your hands on your hips to support your lower body. Walk your feet up the wall so that your legs are straight. This is your starting position. 
From here, lower your left leg toward your head, keeping both legs straight. Return to the starting position and repeat with your right leg. Continue to alternate until you've completed all reps.
PRO (push it)
As you lower your leg, pause and pulse 2 or 3 times, moving it up and down an inch or two, before returning it back to the wall. 
ROOKIE (ease up)
Start with your hips 3 to 6 inches away from the wall.PecksGreat for those who sit or stand for long hours. ( I am looking at all 9-5 office workers )
Get your stylish workout gear Here and here.Have a lovely Thursday.Kisses.