Low Platelet Count in Pregnancy

By Momatlast @momatlast

Going through a pregnancy is considered to be one of the highlights of a woman’s life. However, the substantial discomfort as well as the pain that the woman is likely to experience throughout the tenure of the pregnancy is considerable and cannot be imagined by someone that hasn’t been through a pregnancy herself. The joy that a mother will experience when she holds her baby in her arms after childbirth makes up for it though. Because of the fact that the body is experiencing a number of changes with regards to chemical balance, hormonal balance as well as physical changes means that the mother has to deal with a number of internal readjustments within her body in addition to the fact that the cravings and mood swings are likely to start becoming more intense as well as prominent. While there are a number of conditions that are well documented when dealing with a pregnancy, there are still a number of occurrences that take some women by surprise. For instance, although low platelets in pregnancy are a rather common condition, some women tend to get a little worried about why it happens when the condition shows up in any of their routine checkups.

Normal Blood Platelet Level

To understand the complexities of a low platelet count in pregnancy, one should be aware of what is considered to be normal. Under normal circumstances, the platelet count is between 150 to 400 million platelets per milliliter of blood and anytime your platelet count falls below the 150 million mark – the individual is said to be suffering from a low blood platelet count. Suffering from low platelets in pregnancy is a common occurrence because of the fact that the body tends to produce a substantially higher amount of plasma in the blood, with the platelet count remaining the same as it was previously, causing significant dilution. Despite the fact that we have established the fact that the condition is rather common and is known to affect a large number of women all over the world, it is important to make sure that you avoid underestimating the seriousness of the problem because of the fact that a low blood platelet count during a pregnancy is known to cause a number of serious medical complications to the expecting mother. In most cases, identifying that you have a low platelet count can be rather hard and would require the intervention of a medical test in order to confirm the platelet count. Some of the more common symptoms that you can look out for in the event that you feel that you may be suffering from a low blood platelet count during pregnancy include easy bruising of the tissues in any part of the body, slow or no clotting of the blood in the event that trauma to the skin has occurred as well as abnormal bleeding. Some of the other complications that are a common occurrence when discussing low blood platelet count during a pregnancy include broken blood vessels as well as internal leaking of the nerves. This complication is known as petechiae and is characterized by the presence of small red dots all over the skin.

How to increase Platelet Level

Since the condition has the potential to be rather serious, it is important that you get a licensed doctor’s advice as soon as possible to make sure that you get it treated as soon as possible. Given the fact that the condition is a rather common one, there are a number of simple steps that you can take on your own that will help fight the condition. For instance, you should make it a point to drink as much fluids as possible. Moreover, your diet plays a very significant role in deciding the extent to which the condition can affect you. Make it a point to consume foods that are high in vitamins and proteins, while also making sure that your daily consumption is crammed substantially with fruits and vegetables of a variety to ensure that your body receives an adequate amount of roughage and other nutrients. For very serious cases of the condition, the doctor may suggest that you have a blood transfusion performed in order to help balance the low platelets in pregnancy. For more info read here http://www.pregnancy-baby-care.com/conditions-during-pregnancy/low-platelets-during-pregnancy.html

Image courtesy : Victor Habbick / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

About our Guest Blogger

Tim is freelancer & love to write about Pregnancy, diet & yoga. He has very deep interest to explore natural solutions for various diseases.