Low-Cost Ways To Market Your Small Business Now

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Market Your Small Business For Less

In the business world, you have to spend money before you can make it. Unfortunately, when you have very little to begin with, this task becomes quite difficult. The idea of marketing your venture is an overwhelming one at the best of times but can be even more stressful when you're a small business on an even smaller budget.

This is why, when times are tough financially, one of the first expenses to be cut is usually marketing. However, it's during these difficult times that it is most important. To make things easier, here are ten low-cost ways to market your business.

To make things easier, here are ten low-cost ways to market your business. #marketingyourbiz Click To Tweet

Publish Interesting Blog Content to Market Your Small Business

No business website is ever truly complete without a blog full of interesting and unique content. Although your site may primarily be a place to make sales, the blog page will help prospective customers to find it, as well as give current ones a reason to return.

For your blog to be successful, you will need to post regularly and write content that meets the interests and needs of your audience. You should also share your posts across your social channels to market your small business.

For your blog to be successful, you will need to post regularly and write content that meets the interests and needs of your audience. #digitalmarketing Click To Tweet

Apply For Business Awards to Market Your Small Business

No matter the industry that you're in, there are sure to be business awards that you could potentially win. It's often free to apply to such competitions, and, if you were to receive a prize, this would go a long way toward boosting the credibility of your business.

Announcement! Infinity Blog Awards nominates https://t.co/t2Yl5b982w for Best Internet Marketing Blog 2019. Our very hardworking and smart Lisa Sicard @Lisapatb is the founder of this awesome blog.

Have you registered yet? #infinityBA2019 pic.twitter.com/MXddShyeXR

- Infinity Blog Awards (@infinity_awards) April 15, 2019

Whether you receive a certificate, an online badge, or both, the recognition would give customers a reason to trust you. If your industry has no such awards, then you could try creating and hosting your own.

Whether you receive a certificate, an online badge, or both, the recognition would give customers a reason to trust you. #marketingtips Click To Tweet

Take To Social Media for Your Small Biz

Almost everyone in the world has a profile on one or more social media platforms, making this the perfect place to build your brand and audience. The most popular sites, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn all have millions of users and charge absolutely nothing for you to create a profile of your own. (But if you really want to market your biz you will need invest is some money in social media ads.)

To build a large following, you will need to post frequently and interact with profiles. However, if you don't have the time, it is possible to automate this task using an app.

Repurpose Any Old Content

Anyone who has been blogging or posting to social media for quite some time will have built up a large amount of content. Even if these posts were popular when you first published them, they have probably gone stagnant by now.

Rather than spending time writing new posts, you should breathe life back into your old one. Repurpose that content and turn it into videos, infographics, books, and more. This is cheaper than creating new posts, but is just as, if not more effective.

Rather than spending time writing new posts, you should breathe life back into your old one. #digitalmarketing Click To Tweet

Make A Charitable Contribution

Helping out a charity should always be done for the benefit of the cause itself, more than your own business. Your contribution needs to come from the heart or your customers, and the rest of the public will see right through you.

That being said, there's no denying the awareness that can be made from a generous act. Because of this, you should consider ways to help out a cause close to your business. You could host a fundraiser, for example, or donate a few products.

Give Away Promotional Items

When you give away items with your business name and logo plastered across them, it means that your brand sticks in the mind of your customers. These products may also find themselves in the hands of prospects, making them aware of your business.

This an effective marketing tactic, but an affordable one too, as most manufacturers of promotional products offer fair prices. For the best effects, you should choose items that people will use every single day.

Host Your Own Class to Market Your Small Business

Everyone has something that they can teach to someone else, especially entrepreneurs. With that in mind, you may want to consider hosting an educational event of some kind, like a class, webinar, or seminar.

As long as you find a free venue to use, this can easily be done on a very tight budget. What's more, an event like this is great for publicity, especially when you don't charge for entry. You just need to ensure that you cover topics your target market is interested in. Oftentimes, you may get paid to give a class to draw more people to another business.

Attend Local Networking Events

Organizing any sort of event yourself, especially a free one can be a challenge. Because of this, you may find it easier to attend events other entrepreneurs put on. Depending on where you live, there should be at least a few that you can check out.

You may want to volunteer your services as a speaker for these events, but, if you'd rather not get up in front of a crowd, you can always talk in smaller groups instead. These events are the perfect place to make valuable connections. I'll be doing one today as I was asked by a business owner who saw me speak about social media at another event months ago. 🙂 You never know who will see you at these events and they could turn into a future customer as well.

Establish A Referral Program

People trust other customers much more than they do businesses. This is why word-of-mouth marketing is truly worth its weight in gold. While some customers may refer your company to their friends and family just for great service, others are much more likely to do so if they get something in return.

For this reason, you may benefit from introducing a referral program . Many businesses offer a discount for the person that refers, as well as those they refer to.

Create An Online Contest

This is why word-of-mouth marketing is truly worth its weight in gold. #marketingtips Click To Tweet

Once you have a good following across your social media platforms, you may want to host your own contest. Using social media makes this simple for you and your customers, as all they would need to do to enter is like and share your post.

By sharing, they would provide you with further exposure, as everyone that follows them would also see your competition post. The only costs involved here would be whatever you choose to give away as a prize.

Market Your Small Business For Less

Marketing can be a costly business, but, with some thought, any company can do so, even on the tightest of budgets. Hopefully, after reading the advice above, you now have some idea as to how to do the same.

I'd love to know how you are marketing your small business for less money today! Please leave a comment below so we can chat 🙂