Low Cal. and Creamy Eggnog Cocktail

By Beliteweight @BeLiteWeight

Sometimes we can be cheating on our diet without even realizing it. That's because many people forget that certain beverages can be high in calories, making your daily caloric intake go overboard if you're not careful. One of the biggest culprits happens to be cocktails made around the holidays, such as traditional eggnog. While it is normally very high in fat and calories, there are recipes out there to make a low calorie, diet friendly eggnog that's still as good as the original classic!
This particular low calorie eggnog cocktail recipe has only half of the calories that traditional eggnog recipes normally have. Instead of working on your diet after the holidays, you can stay slim throughout all of those big holiday dinners and treats with this kind of recipe by your side.

Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • One large egg
  • One fourth cup of egg substitute, fat-free
  • One fourth cup of sugar (or sugar substitute)
  • Two cups of evaporated milk, fat-free
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • One fourth cup of rum or brandy
  • One tablespoon of nutmeg, grounded

And here's how you can prep your low calorie eggnog:

  • Put together the egg, sugar, and egg substitute in a bowl and beat until well mixed.
  • On low heat, put the mixture on the stove in a cooking pan and stir the mixture consistently until it thickens. Remember not to let the mixture boil.
  • On another stove top, heat the evaporated milk until it begins to steam but making sure it doesn't boil, too. Then, gradually beat the milk into the egg mixture.
  • Next stir in the vanilla and then chill it for a few minutes or until desired chilled temperature.
  • Afterward, pour in either the rum or brandy and stir together once more.
  • Pour in a glass (or glasses) and add a sprinkle of nutmeg for taste.