Loving It Monday

By Greengirl @GrinGarl
This month is all about decadent Christmas-y treats. Today I'm gonna talk cookie language.Who doesn't love a cookie? They can WOW you with their pretty icing decorations, they can leave you craving for more, they can leave you wondering if that second cookie is shown around your waste line (don't tell me I'm the only one wondering that, c'mon!)
This month there are two events going on.

#BringtheCOOKIES11 cookies is hosted by ever full of energy Katrina from In Katrina's Kitchen.You can see a round up of some mouth-watering cookies here

#cookielove is hosted by some wonderful food bloggers. It's been live just for 2 days and there are already 41 entries. (I think you have to click on this post to be able to see all those delicious cookies