Lovely Hubby's Favourite Commodity

By Sue15cat

I get happy over cook books, gardening magazines with free seeds and courgette seedlings growing big and strong in the polytunnel ..... Lovely Hubby's favorite commodity is a trailer load of shit goodness to replenish all the nutrients lost with the constant rain of the Winter washing the goodness from our vegetable beds.

This particular load has a lot of straw mixed in with the sheep shit manure as it's come straight from the lambing sheds of one of our neighbours.  Next week LH will be going back for a second load of year- old rotted and nicely steaming proper horse manure that he's offered us from the corner of his field, which he will use to top this lot off and thereby get a nice hot composting pile going on in the corner of our paddock.
Some of this weeks load has already been used in the bottom of the compost bins now that they have all been turned over and put into one, with two more now available for me to top up over the course of this years growing season.
Our neighbor Mary, has just given me another contact for even more horse manure, so I see Lovely Hubby's obsession with sh*t growing all the more ... just like it used to when we lived in Oxfordshire, where he had a heap the size of a small mountain covered in tarpaulins and it was so hot we once grew Melons in it!! 
Sue xx