Lovebirds Valentine Banner
By Invisiblestilettos
Valentine's day is just around the corner and I have got another DIY idea for you guys :)
This time, we will be making a super cute Valentine banner perfect for photo op.
For this project, you will need the following materials:1. String (I used crochet thread)2. Ribbon3. Paper of your choice (I used, leftover gift wrapping paper, felt paper, and card stock)4. Scissors5. Tape
Start by planning your design. I have got tons of inspirations from Pinterest then went ahead and draw the design I want. For this project, I want two birds holding the string with seven large hearts with the message "Be ❤ Mine" then two heartstrings on the side.After you are satisfied with your design, go ahead and draw your hearts. I made seven large pink hearts for the message, one medium-sized pink heart for the body of the birds, two red hearts for the wings, then a variety of small hearts for the heart strings.Cut out all of your hearts. Set aside the hearts for the lovebirds and heart strings first then grab your seven hearts.Punch holes on the hearts and place your ribbon. You can now write the message on your hearts. Be creative. Write a message, decorate, and doodle to make it more pretty.Next, get your medium-sized heart and your two red hearts. Cut all hearts in the middle like shown in the picture. The pink one will be the body of the lovebirds and the red one will be the wings ;)Time to assemble. Attach the wings on your pink heart. Place it in a manner to make it look like they are flying.After placing your wings, it's time to give them birds some beaks. Get a piece of gold paper and cut two triangles. Glue them at the curved part of the half heart.Draw your lovebirds some eyes! I used my nail polish for this to give the eyes more dimension but you can always use a marker to draw the eyes and your lovebirds are done! :) Easy, right?Next, get your string. Cut it to desired length then attach your heartstrings with a tape. Do this for the two strings that will hang on the side of your banner.Next, get another piece of string then tie your "Be ❤ Mine" hearts with the ribbon.Prepare your wall, then assemble the whole banner. It should look something like this.Place both birds on each end of the string. Place the "Be ❤ Mine" hearts the middle and the heart strings hanging on each side. You are done!Time for some photo op!Something to cheap and pretty decorate your home to celebrate the love month :)
Advanced Happy Valentine's Day from my two lovey-dovey chihuahuas!Have fun everyone! Till our next DIY!