Love the New Digg

By Lisa @Lisapatb
Have you seen the new Digg?

I received their email the other day to see the new Beta version of their newsroom and I instantly loved it. They break it down into 6 categories:
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Politics
  • Entertainment
  • World News
  • Business

  • Newsrooms are the first step in creating the most relevant news--around any given topic, as ranked by social signals across the web and refined by top contributors on Digg. And they have built a way to measure and reward your influence on Digg. According to Digg whether you are an Ace reporter (First story promoted to that Newsroom Front Page) or “Trendsetter” (25 stories or more), you are making a difference in what people read. They are 30 total categories within the 6 above.
    This sounded good until I noticed my two awards, one in Google (Technology) and the Sex (Science, health and sex) I also write about health and Digg a lot of health stories but they grouped sex and health as one and the award just says Sex.

    If you are on Digg have you received an award yet? If not join today and you can follow me.