Love on My Arm – National Suicide Prevention Week

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Yesterday, September 10,  was World Suicide Prevention Day and this week is National Suicide Prevention Week.

LOVE on your arm is a way of showing support for those grieving, a way of remembering those lost and a way of raising awareness and future hope.

I wanted to write a post about this yesterday, but struggled. And again today, I’m struggling now.

I am not suicidal, but I do know people who have been. I also knew people, sadly no longer with us, who considered suicide their only option and I think of them often.

In my line of work, I have undertaken professional training in suicide awareness and suicide response. It’s a sombre topic, but so bloody important to discuss, to de-stigmatise and to raise awareness about.

Talk about it, please. Tell others that help is always available and let it be known that this cause of premature and unnecessary death is preventable. Suicide sucks.

The Salvation Army have the Lifekeeper Memory Quilt project here.

The Lifekeeper Memory Quilt project helps to keep the memory of loved ones alive and raise suicide awareness as people bereaved by suicide share their personal stories and photos.

Linking up with Jess from Diary of a SAHM and IBOT! Check it out!