Love of the Land Links

Posted on the 23 June 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.

Getting Them US State Dept Deja Vu Blues
Oh My! Palestinians Play the Victim Again
Presbyterian Church (USA), Where Hatred Triumphs Over Ethics
What can we learn from UNESCO silence on Jews from Arab countries?
Overreacting to the Kidnapping?
If my reaction is similar to that of yours then the kidnappings remain my central concern around the conflict at this moment and our friends at Love of the Land actually live in Hebron, which was under shut down and still very well may be.
I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like for the Jews of Israel at this moment, but then I cannot even begin to imagine what it is like for the local Arabs who are also having their lives disrupted.
Of course, I do not have a whole lot of sympathy for a people who come out of a culture that has mainly despised Jews for irrational theocratic reasons since the 7th century.  I think that Israel should take Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza and hold them upside down by their ankles and shake until they cough out those kids.
Many western-progressives are already complaining that Jewish efforts to retrieve Yifrah, Shaar, and Frenkel represent a form of "collective punishment" against the innocent, allegedly "indigenous" population.  The reason for this, of course, is that left-wing anti-Jewish racists, such as David Harris Gershon, are entirely opposed to anything that resembles Jewish self-defense and do not care if Jews are murdered or kidnapped for political reasons.  A far larger surrounding population has been involved in a Koranically-based war against us ever since we freed ourselves from dhimmitude and yet Israel Haters like Gershon always blame the minority population for Arab violence against us.  
Most of the American left will be entirely indifferent to the plight of Yifrah, Shaar, and Frenkel.  Some on the left will join Middle Eastern Arabs who celebrated the kidnappings, but the great majority will simply not care at all, because they basically believe that we have it coming, if they are even aware of the kidnappings which, itself, is doubtful.
This generation is not different from previous ones.  Every generation they tell us that we deserve a good beating and then when they whip up sufficient hatred, as Gershon tries to do, they will simply turn away with a wiry grin when the violence that they helped create against the Jewish people begins anew.
It is people like Gershon who got Jews thrown down wells in the Middle Ages and who are responsible for whipping up hatred against us through distortions, malicious biases, and downright lies.