Love LOLO, Get Off Giggs ...

Posted on the 16 January 2014 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
We've written about LOLO a few times now and, with her growing industry presence, comes a new single, Gangsters. Giggs, someone we knew of, but whom we've never really given the time of day, features and, whilst for the first minute or so we think its a brilliant track, the second Giggs steps in, we just don't find it as plausible.
We're trying to be critical here, because we think this could have been a truly brilliant track the whole way through, but it seems as though a somewhat recognised name has been added to the mix in order to get more publicity ... rather than for the talent involved.
anyhow, we'll begin with our thoughts on LOLO's performance. As always, this is very similar to that of Adele, and actually, this time, we saw a bit of Delilah too. This surely signifies that she has so much talent that could be harvested into some extraordinary success that would either match, or better, that of the amazing Miss Adele. This is ongoing throughout, and whilst you'll notice the strong beats are like something that Emeli Sande may have come up with, it all intertwines to become one of the best starts to a song that you'll probably end up hearing this year.
However, and it is a big however, because the more we listen, the less appealing it becomes. The mundane drones of Giggs will get on your nerves surprisingly quickly. He doesn't seem to have something about him that shrieks star quality and, the way in which he raps, we feel, is comparable to someone who is lacklustre in both thought and action. The most energetic thing you'll hear him say throughout is "LOLO, Let's Go" ... and that little ongoing riff begins at the very start.
It's a real shame, because the set up to this song really is a decent one. The premise to which this was thought out is genius, and actually very relatable to some young women of today; but the way in which it has been executed could have been dealt with in a much better way, and the inclusion of Giggs in this, for us, was just not the right person.
We appreciate that there will be some who think he is the next talent of this generation, but when rappers like Scroobius Pip, and Mikill Pane are beginning to break the industry, then its clear to see why Giggs' style has not made it to the forefront.