Love Links: John Murphy’s Stupid Creatures Blarg!

By Ctbas @ctbas

A pop up toy shop just opened down the street and we got to meet John Murphy and his friends to make stupid creatures. It was an amazing afternoon of stuffing, sewing, socks, buttons and creatures of all shapes and sizes. John came up from North Carolina and gathered his friends after Sandy and the blackout to help children in the toy shop make their own amazing creations. Special shout out to Lise Petrauskas who helped Parker make Genevieve.

He is a beloved love link this week. Check out his blarg! and all his creatures. Learn to make one. Thank you John!

Lise Petrauskas and Genevieve the creature she helped Parker make with two socks, buttons and lots of stuffing. SO much fun.

John Murphy, Sela, Parker and Lise Petrauskas all making stupid creatures at the Land of Nod toy workshop. Great fun and sock monsters made by all. Fun day. “action photo”

John Murphy teaching Sela how to make creatures.