Love is All You Need

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
All you need is loveAll you need is loveAll you need is love, loveLove is all you need
   - Beatles song
How profound these words were back in the 1960's.  That song was a success, but the essence of it lives on in humans throughout the world.  It is simple, yet profound, at the same time.
That statement was also a great support for Christianity, even though that is not likely what they intended at the time.  Love is a good guide for life in general, but it is also a good guide in Christianity.
This post looks at the role of love in Christianity, which can also apply to your spiritual journey.
First of all humans were created in God's image (Genesis 1:26).  While there is debate about how to interpret that most people agree with the notion of a loving God. 
 Love is what humans ultimately want deep down, and it is not an accident.  It seems people hide things on the outside when they really want love on the inside.  If you take a look you might find,
When people are angry on the outside - they actually seek love
  • When disappointed - they actually seek love
  • When sad - they actually seek love
You could add other emotions to the list and what do you find?

Why Is Love Important?

Here is another way of looking at the situation.  When a crime is committed against another person one of the first questions you ask is about a motive.  Why is this?  It is NOT human nature to want to hurt others, as humans were created in the image of God. 

Humans were simply not created in this manner.

Those kinds of things tend to be taught.  How many convicts attempt to explain their actions by things like "my parents didn't love me?"
There is irony psychologically in that people with "tough", macho exteriors are often soft on the inside.  When given the proper chance they sometimes act like a "teddy bear."  Psychology often works in this manner, as humans are often different on the outside and the inside.  Sometimes they are opposites.  Have you ever noticed that?
If you don't feel loved in your life then your response to that tells you about yourself.  Do you do the wrong things to fill the void? 
These posts have an answer to that dilemma.  That answer is Christianity.  If you don't feel loved then you can realize that God loves you.  He loves you so much he sent his only son to knowingly lose his life.  He did this for YOU!
St. Paul sums it accurately in the New Testament with this overview,
and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.    -  1 Corinthians 13:2-3
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