Love EVERY Body #2

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

You may remember seeing at the beginning of December I wrote a letter okay maybe two to my body. I wrote those as part of the Love EVERY Body project/course/workshop that Leah is doing, and as you might be able to guess it’s time for part number 2!

The them for today is to write about what we love from our necks upwards, so basically our face and heads. In a way one of the smallest sections of the body, but so much goes on up there!

I love my nose, mainly the left side because it looks super cute with a nose stud in, you’ll notice that most of my instagram photos are taken from the left and that’s because it’s the side i prefer. I love how cute I look when i’m wearing glasses, I know a lot of people don’t like how they look in glasses but i’ve always loved how I look, i think my face suits most shapes too, bonus!

I actually like the shape of my face, it’s the reason why I suit glasses, but it’s also the reason why I suit my hair when it’s long and short, the reason why I suit my hair when it’s up or down. I’ll admit it myself, I look pretty damn fine with my hair up in a scarf!

My lips are a good shape and always look fabulous when I wear some color on them, without color they can look a little thin.

I guess my brain is pretty awesome, without it I wouldn’t get anything done, lets be honest I wouldn’t be writing this right now if it wasn’t for my brain. It’s also great because of its interest in Theology which I am beginning to love so much! I would not be me without my brain.

Well I’m over a week late with this but it has been done! The past week has been a little hectic with assignments, but as of Wednesday they are over for 3 weeks, if only it was longer.

Tink x