Love Actually has been hailed as the perfect first date movie – while The Exorcist was named as the worst, according to new research. The 2003 classic, which starred Hugh Grant, Colin Firth and Keira Knightley, beat other popular rom-coms such as Notting Hill to claim the title.
By contrast, the horrific, blood-spattered Exorcist film was hailed as a complete no-no on a date, with the heart-breaking Schindler’s List coming second.
The TalkTalk study also revealed getting the choice of movie right on a first date is more likely to lead to a successful night out.
The research also found it takes just two of weeks, or until approximately the third date, before daters ditch the expensive restaurants in favour of a night in front of the television.
TalkTalk‘s Commercial Director Tristia Harrison said:
”With couples enjoying their first date night in front of the TV just a couple of weeks into their relationship, our research shows just how important it is to pick the right film for a romantic evening.”
Other films to make the top ten best list were Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Bridget Jones Diary and Titanic.
Forrest Gump, When Harry Met Sally and Groundhog Day also made the top ten.
Other worst films to watch on a first date were Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street and any Star Wars movie.
The Terminator, Die Hard, Spice World and Basic Instinct also made the list.
Around one in ten of those who took part in the study said a lousy choice of film would be cause to abandon plans to meet up for a second date.
One third of the nation has admitted to having their first kiss with a new partner in front of a TV date night.
The lifestyle study of 2,000 daters also found women wait until the fifth date to suggest a night in front of the TV with men being a little keener and offering it as a third date activity.
One in six people also admitted to feeling awkward and embarrassed if their partner suggests television with lots of sex scenes or steamy romance.
The research was commissioned to celebrate the first airing of TalkTalk’s new Date Night TV.
1. Love Actually
2. Notting Hill
3. Dirty Dancing
4. Pretty Woman
5. Bridget Jones’ Diary
6. Titanic
7. Forrest Gump
8. When Harry Met Sally
9. Groundhog Day
10. There’s Something About Mary
1. The Exorcist
2. Schindler’s List
3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
4. Nightmare on Elm Street
5. Star Wars triology
6. The Terminator
7. Die Hard
8. Spice World
9. Basic Instinct
10. American Pie