
By Lynne @lynneknowlton


It’s a crazy thing.

Sometimes you need a hard helmet to make your way through it.

Other times, you think it is the cats meow.

Sometimes we fall head over heels

Other times, we just take it in stride

Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew

Other times, we pray for  Buddhaful LOVE

Sometimes we find LOVE in far away places

Other times we find LOVE right in our own back yard.

Some like to keep their LOVE under their hat

Others like to scream it out to the world.

Some like to show their LOVE with chocolate

Some like to show their LOVE  with fine dining

Some share LOVE in the quiet moments

Some like to share it with a SMOOCH

Some spread the LOVE with flowers

Others spread their love with …..

P.s.  Be careful with that one.

 VD doesn’t just stand for Valentines Day.

 Just sayin’.

Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species ~W. Somerset Maugham

However you show your LOVE

Just show it 


Share it far and wide

And make a difference to someone.

Go hug a stranger.  Go say something nice.

Just do it.

I am sending my shout out of love to my family today


* With much LOVE to all *

