LOTV Sneak Peek!

By Dena13
Hiya!  Happy Sunday everyone!  
I have a sneak peek from Lili of the Valley to show you today.  Keep an eye on all my teammates DT blogs as they are showing sneak peeks of the new stamps over the next couple of weeks, it’s an amazing Summery collection including some fairies and flowers.
The new range will go on sale in the LOTV shop on July 6th and then on the website on July 8th.

I just had to pair this one with Cho!  I always loved that Geisha set and haven't had much of a chance to play with them.  They are some of my favorite little girls and I think she goes perfectly with the "Birds and Blossoms" stamp coming out soon!
 I colored all the images with my Prisma Pencils!!!  BTW, I have a new class coming out today at Scrapbook News and Review where I cover a little more in depth on using the Prisma Pencils.  You can find the class HERE!!

I used a sentiment from Quotables - Go For It on the inside and then  Sentiments to Fit the Scroll is  on the front.I totally LOVE the birdcage charm that my dear friend sent me from Live and Love Crafts. The corners are a Cheery Lynn die and the flowers are, of course, the amazing Wild Orchid Crafts.Okie dokie! That's it for me today.  My parents are coming over today, so gotta run!  Have a wonderful day!!!Hugs, Dena