Lottery Winner Buys TEETH!

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita
OK, Maybe I am being a bit cruel here but the latest winner of the 258.5 million dollar lotto has no front teeth. The news even reported he was going to use some of his winnings to get his front teeth fixed. FIXED? How about REPLACING the gaping hole with NEW teeth! But then you can't stick your tongue through the hole anymore to freak out your friends. Geesh.
So he's 29 and had only 28 dollars and some change in his bank account. I hope he can handle this windfall. He seems so nice in his interview. I am sure he is about to meet/hear from relatives he never knew existed. His boss has already told the media she has him on video saying that if he ever won the lottery he would give her some. Really? NICE and classy huh?
They say money doesn't buy you happiness but let me have 258.5 mill to prove that theory wrong! Oh and I will give you some's in print. :)
Have a great weekend and don't forget to laugh!