Losing the Pregnancy Weight After Baby #3: Day One

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2
My latest journey has begun. It has been about 17 days since the baby was born, and I am ready to begin losing the pregnancy weight.

Okay, so by 'begin', I mean continue, because apparently I have already lost about 14 lbs since the baby was born (SWEET!). And by 'lose pregnancy weight', I mean become healthy and active again. I am not a celebrity who will lose all of the weight and look fabulous in less than three weeks.  Ain't gonna happen. 
My goal is to be healthy and happy. Today I started two things: tracking what I eat and exercising. Those two simple things helped me lose the baby weight after I had my daughter, so I am sticking with them for now (read more about that weight loss journey here).  To track my food intake, I'm once again using MyFitnessPal. You can see the button for it on the right side of the blog. I find it easy to use and keep track of the foods I eat and the exercises I do. For today I was over my caloric allowance, but I didn't think I was going to start today with it. I'm forgiving myself for those extra calories. (Do you use the app? Let me know!) 

Screenshot from MyFitnessPal.com 

As for my exercise, I'm using EA Sports Active 2 for Wii for customized workouts. I like that I can set up various workouts based on my current limits (I'm still recovering from the c-section, so I am not supposed to do too much). Today's workout consisted of a lengthy warm-up, a few arm exercises, a step routine, and a cool down. Once I get the ok to do an actual workout at my 6-week appointment, I'll add in more cardio and abdominal exercises. (Read my review of EA Sports Active 2 for Wii here. ) Once the weather warms up this week, I also intend on going out walking with the kids. I have no limits for walking, other than how I feel. I'm going to take it slow for a week or so, and then increase my speed as I feel ready to do so.  I have to admit: what really spurred me on to do this now is the fact that my husband will be joining a 'Biggest Loser' group at work and will be trying to lose his pregnancy weight starting tomorrow. I figured I better start now so that we can be working towards this healthy goal together! 

I'm not ready for a full 'before' photo yet, but I'm just glad I see more and more of my feet every day! 

Want to join my efforts? Leave me a comment below about your back-to-health journey!  
Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best. 

This post may contain affiliate links. It is not sponsored by either Nintendo or MyFitnessPal. My opinions of these items are honest after having used both EA Sports Active 2 for Wii and MyFitnessPal for my own personal healthy routine. Your opinions may differ from mine.