Lord, Thank You…

By Caryschmidt

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your love and for my salvation in Christ. My life and destiny would be utter, hopeless despair were it not for the cross of Jesus and your amazing grace! I thank you for redeeming me by the precious blood of Christ. Thank you for making me your child.

Thank you for your Word. It is the foundation of truth for everything that is blessed and good in my life. I have never regretted obeying it, but I have regretted not knowing it better. There is nothing better in life than opening its pages and hearing from you.

Thank you for my family. Not only did you allow me to grow up with godly and loving influences, you then blessed me with a wife and children who mean more to me than life. They convict me to become more like Jesus. Dana reminds me Jesus in her caring and loving servant’s heart. Lance reminds me of Jesus in his tenderness toward people and joyful nature. Larry reminds me of Jesus in his humor and his diligent, quiet intensity about things that are important. Haylee reminds me of Jesus in her kindness, sincerity, and desire for understanding. Thank you for allowing me to share life with them.

Thank you for my church and pastor. Thank you for a loving, growing church family led by a faithful, godly man who loves your truth and loves people. It is an awesome joy and privilege to be a part of Lancaster Baptist Church.

Thank you for cancer. One year ago today, chemo treatments had begun and life was quite uncomfortable and uncertain. Thank you for the unspeakable experience of walking with you through a deep valley, and for all the treasures of darkness found there. Thank you for allowing a trial to shape me in ways that nothing else could have.

Thank you for health. Today, cancer is in remission and health has returned. In both circumstances, You are GOOD—but I am grateful for the gift of more time to live for you. Only give me wisdom to use what’s left of my life to honor you. Thank you for a body that’s getting stronger, lungs that are healing, and energy with which to obey my calling.

Thank you for my calling. There is no greater joy than to help others understand your truth and walk in it—and then to see you bless them for it. As unworthy as I am, thank you for allowing me to teach the Word of God and serve Jesus with my life.

Thank you  for meeting my needs (and wants.) You are exceedingly good, and you have sustained me every day in large and small ways. You have never left me needy or let me down in any way. I do not deserve the things you have blessed me with—both spiritually and physically—but I am grateful, and I desire to be a good steward.

Thank you for godly friends. You have filled my life with cherished relationships—a bit of Heaven on Earth. They serve with me, pray with me, encourage me, and sharpen me. They are spread out around the world, and in many cases, we don’t see each other very often—but they are blessed gifts from you that invest into my life in significant ways. I am grateful for each and every one, and I look forward to spending eternity together with them, thanking you!

Thank you for new life. It’s still awesome to see an unsaved soul choose to trust Christ as Saviour, and then to see the spiritual transformation that the Holy Spirit brings into a new heart. Thank you for allowing me to be a laborer together with you.

Thank you for the subtle stuff. Like an artistic, colorfully-woven tapestry, our lives are enmeshed in less conspicuous blessings that continually flow from your hand—things that we may hurry by and forget to notice. The color of autumn leaves, the sound of rain drops, the embrace of a loved one, the encouraging text message from a friend, the answered bed-time prayer, the quiet afternoon of reading, the music that lifts our lives toward you, the taste of our favorite foods, the millions of modern comforts and conveniences we experience every day, and the fellowship and delight that will garnish millions of Thanksgiving dinner tables today. What an artist you are to so graciously and marvelously create and weave all of this together for us to enjoy.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A million times a million—Thank you.

“Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalms 106:1

End Note: Dear Reader—Thank you. God’s Word says, “Let the redeemed of the Lord, say so.” (Ps. 107:2) This Thanksgiving, I just wanted to sit down and write my prayer. To share it with you is just one way of obeying God.

But I do want to say thank you for stopping by this blog—whether this one time, or on a regular basis. I may or may not know you, but I’m grateful that you would allow me to have a moment of your time to direct your thoughts toward the Lord, or toward something that He’s been teaching me lately. I pray that, when you come to this blog, I am a good steward of your time.

And for those who come regularly, and then share a post with others—thank you for passing a long something that might encourage others. I am grateful that you would allow me to speak into your life and the lives of those you love.

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!