Looneyrama #1

By Davidduff

I have numbered the heading to this post because I am going to try and collect the daftest daft things our leaders can, and do, dream up from the bottom of their brains which, of course, reside in their bottoms!  I fear that I could be into triple figures by Christmas so I will try to discriminate and only bring you the best of their worst.  However, do feel free to e-mail me if you accidentaly tread in an example of some authoritarian excreta whose stupidity is worthy of record.  Anyway, here are two examples from our very own Westminster ninnies.

It has been decided that women will now be allowed to serve as infantrymen.  Even more stupid, the British army will follow the lead of the Canadians and Americans in making no special provision for seperating barrackrooms.  Needless to say, our utterly useless generals, concentrating as they always do on their future pensions and their chances of a Lordship, have caved in to this stupidity without a murmur.  The only good thing I can see in this preposterous idea is that the 'Toms' will save some money in the local pubs by not having to spend in their efforts to 'booze 'n' boff' the local tarts when they have 'hot 'n' cold running bimbos' available back in their barracks.  Of course, some young  'Toms' who would otherwise have served with a clean record will now face years in the nick for rape because, 'er, well, like, 'I'd 'ad a few pints, I was 'orny and it was there, know wot I mean?'  It will also be amusing (not!) to hear the re-action of the two men in a three man mortar team (or whatever the equivalent is these days) when their girlie can't actually carry the base-plate up to the top of the mountain ridge.  I think our MPs deserve a dose of EIT!

My second exhibit in the Looneyrama gallery also comes from our political dimwits who are suddenly all in favour of giving votes to 16 and 17 year old children.  Needless to say, if there are to be changes to the voting age they should have agreed to raise it to at least 21, or, and I know this is a minority view, to 75!  Yesterday there was a staged performance with some 'kiddie-winkies' asking questions of some frumpy woman who is, I gather, the Minister for Education.  Needless to say, the 'kiddie-winkies' chosen to appear were all frightfully 'naice' and middle-class and obviously from some rather super schools that their parents had probably cheated the system in order to get them in.  None of them looked or sounded like the rough 'n' ready 'Herberts' and 'Herbetts' who slouch out of most secondary 'skools' these days.  But,as always, the Labour party are quick to see the chance of introducing a new range of political dummies on whom they can rely for an unthinking vote.