Looking for Something New to Watch on TV but Just Can’t Decide?

Posted on the 26 July 2013 by Geekasms @geekasms

Do you find yourself in that slump of looking for something new to watch?  The summer months are always tricky, because you have a few good shows that might pop up during this time, but typically all your favorites are in reruns until this fall.  Well if you’re like me, and would like someone to just take the decision making process from you and pick a new show for you to watch then cableTV.com has the solution for you.  In their own words:

Can’t Decide on a New TV Series to Watch? We Can Help.

With so many to choose from these days, finding a new show or series to watch can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Luckily for you, our new television recommendation tool means you no longer have to wade through hours of muck to find that TV gold. By taking your favorite shows and running them through our database of quality programs from the past decade, we can suggest a similar, highly-rated drama, comedy or reality series you may have missed. Don’t like it? Seen it already? We’ll suggest another! Who knows, maybe the next series you watch will become your new favorite. Give it a try below.

After a few runs with it myself, I actually have a few shows I’m going to check out.  Best part about it, is that it suggests current shows and shows that are no longer on the air that you can find on Netflix or Hulu.  Definitely a great little thing if you’re aching for something new to watch but just can’t decide.  Check it out for yourself by clicking the photo below.  And let us know if you get any good suggestions.