Looking Back on 2012

By Styleofsam @styleofsam
Thank you for an amazing and wonderful year.  I am truly grateful for all of your friendship, love, and support!  It's been a pleasure to meet new people in the blogosphere and in person.  Most importantly, I enjoy taking time to reflect upon the blessings of the past year...
  • SOS started a new series, "From Grandma with Love", and revived an old one, "Try a Trend"!  Maybe, I should bring back "Quick Tip Tuesday"!
  • The blog got a brand new look!  Thanks Jo and Katrina!
  • I attended my first LuckyFABB Blogger Conference in New York and met loads of FAB.U.LOUS people.
  • Mr. S started being my paparazzi photographer.  And Hilary and I are now blogger photo buddies!  You can tell a world of difference compared to my tripod and remote pictures!
  • My photoshop skills improved TREMENDOUSLY after a BlogShop stop in Dallas.
  • I tried my hand at video for Chevy {also my own on youtube here}! Eeeepp!  *hiding under a blanket* Need to develop some skills before any more videos!
  • Mr. S and I traveled to London and Paris and saw beautiful places and met wonderful people.  We have memories for a lifetime!
And meanwhile, I'm so looking forward to 2013!!  Top thing on the list... BABY. {We are in the process of adoption!} And I have some fun things coming up on the blog! 
As usual, I have the same things on my New Year's Resolutions list! Some things never change. Yes, I am a work in progress!What are your New Year's resolutions?