Look Who's in Our Online Bookstore.

By Lizmckeown1955 @WritersBoost
Write More Publications is growing!  
Founded in February, 2012, Write More started out as a small paranormal romance publisher designed to encourage people to write, publish and pursue their creative ambitions. Initially, the only employee was the founder, Theresa Oliver, an elementary school teacher. I started copy editing for Theresa Oliver after connecting with her in the World Literary Cafe. For more writer's opportunities available from World Literary Cafe, click here: http://www.worldliterarycafe.com/

Then, I started blogging book release parties and interviewing authors. Becca Boucher has been coordinating blog tours for several months now and really getting Write More authors on the map. Vanessa Hancock is in charge of Marketplace Promotions. Now, Write More has an online store with much more than the paranormal romance authors and anthologies it originally had. 
Of course we have Chick Lit, Young Adult and Coming of Age (New Adult). The Write More online store has expanded to Children's books, books for Middle Schoolers, Inspirational, Action Adventure and Thrillers. Have a look: http://www.writemorepublications.com/~shop/main.html
By the way, what's in store for Write More? Find out here: 