Well, here’s something that no man should wear…EVER! It’s called the Beardo, for obvious reasons, and is the first bearded beanie to keep you head and face warm. It may not be the knitwear for men atrocity that is the elephant trunks, but it is still…weird.
Okay, so maybe I’m willing to admit it’s a clever idea…under the right circumstances. After all, keeping your face warm on a blisteringly cold day is important and, considering the Beardo was created by the showboarding Canadian-born, and winter enthusiast Jeff Phillips, it seems like the slopes may the best and only circumstance where it might work…maybe.
I don’t mean to be negative but, really, I just don’t know how my husband would look toting a bag of groceries home from Trader Joe’s in a Beardo, regardless of how hipster Brooklyn our neighborhood is. How would you feel if you went on a date with a guy and, while doing lovey winter things like ice skating or building a snowman together, he pulled out his beardo? A second date? Really? I don’t think so. Call me shallow, but I couldn’t get past a guy who wore a pair of super lame earmuffs on a date once. What about a Wall Street broker going to work with a Beardo on? Do you really want this guy handling your nest egg?
Done in a humorous tongue-in-cheek way, I guess I could embrace the beardo. The guy who chooses to wear it definitely has to be someone who doesn’t take himself all that seriously and, I would imagine, has deficiencies in growing his own beard and has to wear a knit one instead.
Check out the Beardoand let me know what you think.