Long Live Phoenixes by @justbreathejas

By Pamelascott

"Long Live Phoenixes" is Jasmine's third poetry collection. With the collection divided up into 9 laws (mantras), "Long Live Phoenixes" is a heavy reminder to never cease growing on the road of self-discovery.

"Ashes of pain, traumaand fear aren't burial grounds for phoenixes-they are birthplaces." - NJ Scribe


[Burn brightly / soar high / and / always / rememberwhere you came from - PHOENIX LAW #1]


(Independently Published, 7 September 2018, ebook, 86 pages, copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed)



So, I love phoenixes, the idea of them anyway,rising out of the ashes of devastation, hard times, sorrow, pain, you name yourpoison. This rather fantastic collection of poems takes the idea of a phoenix and uses it to write about going through hard times in your life and somehow finding the sunshine at the other side. I love poetry that comes from the heart. I write it and I love reading it. There's nothing better (for a poet and a book blogger) than reading poetry and you know the poet has spilled theirsoul upon the page. Long Live Phoenixes is exactly like that. Many of the poems in this collection are powerful and I loved every one.