London Spy: News & Links From The London Week Gone By

By Lwblog @londonwalks
Five Stories Five Headlines Five Minutes
In the London News This Week…
TUBE: Poster Parody – Time Out
MUSEUMS: New Museum of Comedy to Open – The Stage
KIDS: Writer Jacqueline Wilson at the V&A – Daily Telegraph
NEWS: TFL Told – Make Pedestrian Crossings Safer – East London Advertiser
MUSIC: The Pixies Play East London – East London Guardian
Best of the London Blogs This Week
 We love a challenge. And we’ll be following this one with interest: blogger Charlie Thornberry is eating his way around the world without ever leaving London!
His mission is to dine at a restaurant from every country in the world, right here in the capital. he told the Evening Standard:
“There are about 200 countries in the world and I think there are about 120 countries easily findable in London. Each restaurant is blogged about, but I’m not a reviewer.”
Good luck Charlie. If you want to walk off the calories, do come and join us.

His blog is Restaurants of the World Unite
Catch up with the piece in the Evening Standard HERE. 
It’s the weekend and many of you will be out cycling. So meet John. He’s cycling the equivalent of the distance from London to Uganda to raise money for the Wheels For Change charity:
During one of our regular Tuesday morning meetings, I suggested it would be a great idea for someone to do a blog about their Wheels for Change experience, to bring a personal touch to the event.  Rather stupidly, in a moment of over enthusiasm (my friends will know these are quite regular occurrences and so this will come as no surprise to them), I not only volunteered to do the blog but I went on to suggest it would be a great idea to cycle the equivalent of London to Uganda and blog about that!  As soon as I suggested it the alarm bells started to ring – Uganda sounds like a long way from Brixton!  It turns out I was correct to be worried. It’s 6,146km.
Read his blog here:
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at