I've got plenty more photos but have chosen three to put up for the moment, I may add some more later as I sift through the huge number of photos I took. Enjoy!
As I mentioned at the weekend, on Sunday I went to watch the London Marathon as my sister was taking part in it. I took along my new camera and was able to get a whole load of pictures; some good and some bad! Below are a selection of them. It was a great day out with incredible weather and lots to see, well done to all those who took part; it really made me want to run it next year.
I've got plenty more photos but have chosen three to put up for the moment, I may add some more later as I sift through the huge number of photos I took. Enjoy!
I've got plenty more photos but have chosen three to put up for the moment, I may add some more later as I sift through the huge number of photos I took. Enjoy!