London Ease

By Masfashion

Zara Coat and Leather Pants, Free Run Nike shoes, Madewell Gamine sweater, Ray Ban sunnies, Alexander McQueen scarf

As you can see the title to this post is, London Ease. I have been finding it quite easy to dress for this trip. I was really prepared and laid out outfits before and only packed basics which could be worn multiple ways with multiple different pieces. I am really proud of myself as I am usually the worlds worst packer! While I have found dressing for this trip easy there is something that I have found extremely difficult; blogging.

Last night I was talking to my mother-in-law about all the work that goes into creating a post and thought it would be an interesting way to explain my lack of recent TLC. Unfortunately it is quite difficult to just “throw together,” a post. Each one takes time and work that most people do not understand. Since I am a last minute type of gal I did not have anything planned for while I was gone. I always tell my clients to create a content calendar, but as we all know taking your own advice is the hardest thing to do. Since I was going to be traveling I thought I would come up with content as it came to me because I am always most inspired while traveling. Unfortunately, I didn’t take into account how much traveling we would be doing. To create a post you need a lot of time; first to come up with the idea, then create and edit the content, write the post and link where necessary, and then spend the rest of the day promoting on social media. whew! In writing it all out it doesn’t seem like a lot but it takes tiiiiiimmmmeeeee. So, to end this long excuse, I apologize for being such a terrible blogger and I hope to update regularly going forward (i make no promises). I guess, in the new year (among many other resolutions) I need to be organized and prepared so I do not fall behind. eeek!