Localhost – Problems With phpMyAdmin : Solution

Posted on the 08 April 2016 by Lenalenson

What do you understand by localhost?, a loopback IP address is often referred to as local host. Local host is used in order to establish a connection with a machine and itself or any end user. This lets individuals test various forms of applications and networks. Using the IP address as a local host is a practice that is widely accepted by individuals who are linked to networking of any manner.

However, it is not necessary to use the exact same address. Any IP address of the order 127.*.*.* may be used as a local host. While using any other IP address as a local host, it must be kept in mind that * can be replaced by a maximum value of 255. Moving on to the heading, over the years, the reports of Localhost – Problems with phpMyAdmin have been quite high.

How to solve connection issues with local host / phpMyAdmin?

Well, as mentioned earlier, there have been several reports of Localhost – Problems with phpMyAdmin over the years. This article ought to help its readers get rid of this problem with local host phpMyAdmin for good! Listed below are a series of simple steps that one may follow in order to get rid of this problem for good. However, one thing that is mandatory for an individual to use this method in order to solve their problems with local host / phpMyAdmin is a moderately fast internet connection. So, in the event that you have such a connection, all you need to do is follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Step 1 – To begin with, one must download an Apache distribution software such as Xampp. These software’s contain all it takes to solve any sort of problems related to local host / phpMyAdmin.
  • Step 2 – Once you have downloaded the file, you must install it. The installation process is quite simple as well and the instructions and available in simple English. Hence, you will easily get through with the installation process.
  • Step 3 – Once you are done installing it, you must open its control panel. This is different for different Apache distribution software’s.
  • Step 4 – Select the Modules you are facing issues with. Then, all you need to do is click on the start option alongside those modules. Well, it doesn’t end here. Once you click on the start option, you must wait for the module to turn green.

Once you are done with this, Localhost – Problems with phpMyAdmin is most likely to be solved. However, if your problem persists, it would be advisable to consult a professional.

One thing must be noted as far as this solution is concerned, the 4th step as mentioned here is explicitly in association with Xampp. If you have downloaded any other Apache distribution software, you must carefully study its working in order to eliminate your problems with local host / phpMyAdmin. In the event that you don’t have a moderately fast internet connection, you may use the command prompt to deal with such issues.