By Dyarnell @dyarnell
Let us not forget that I am a marketer as well as a gardener, so when a publicist for Loblaw's contacted me about getting some plants from their store you can bet that I jumped on board.  I am used to working with bloggers on behalf of my clients but this is the first time the shoe is on the other foot. 
Thank you Loblaw's, or in the case of Winnipeg, "Superstore" as people here know it. 
A few weeks ago I was supplied with two Rudbeckia plants which turn out to be a great addition to my Sun Garden.  
  Since I try and picture my beds three years out I did what I generally do when a store-bought container clearly has multiple plants: I split them apart before planting. Yes, when they were in the middle of blooming & no, this is not generally recommended for short term performance, but as I always say, "as long as they come back next year...".  I want to delay having to dig them up and divide them as long as I can but still have them pack a punch in their first year. Three plants in each container were split and planted as six separate plants, which already have a much grander feel than if i had just planted the two bushier plants as-bought and they have hardly skipped a beat despite my aggressive treatment.  
I did not realize how much something taller was missing from the west side where I started more plants from seed and so where they tend to be shorter, at least for this year.  You can see in this fish-eye perspective the role they are playing in bringing height-balance from one end of the garden to the other.
From this perspective you can also see the colour-balance they bring with the Heliopsis on the far right.
All in all a great addition. Thanks Real Canadian Superstore.
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