Llamas Valley

By Facingnorth
This is the BIG NEWS WEEK. As you have probably noticed, I haven't been posting very often recently and the reason is ... I have been busy trying to get our home ready for aN interview and photo shooting with the amazing people at online magazine Llamas Valley! It was very exciting to get everything ready and style the details but also a bit of a "tour de force" (forthe cleaning, mainly). The article will be published in the English issue of the magazine, probably by the end of July. I cannot wait to see it! For now, I leave you with some pictures I took in our bedroom. You can see more pictures in my Instagram account here. A big thanks goes to Indre and Tim: great team!

PS: Sorry for the quality of the pictures but, as you probably know if you follow my IG account, my camera got broken last week... Sigh.