LL Cool J Beats Up Burglar

Posted on the 25 August 2012 by Candornews @CandorNews

Image from thisis50.com

Of all the celebrities in the world you could try to rob, instead of trying your luck with someone like Michael Cera, 56-year-old Jonathan A. Kirby chose to break into LL Cool J’s house. Stupid, just stupid. Needless to say, LL Cool J gave him the ass whooping of a lifetime. LL Cool J first called the police when he heard the noises coming from the lower level of his house, but while waiting for the police, he went downstairs and fought the burglar with his bare hands.

LL Cool J suffered no injuries but the burglar is currently in the hospital suffering from a broken nose, broken jaw, and broken ribs. If I were him I’d try to heal slowly and savor my little bit of freedom because the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office says that the burglar will be treated as a third time offender and he’s facing 38 years to life in prison. He’s already been in prison several times for manslaughter, burglary, fighting, disorderly conduct, drugs, the list goes on.

No items were taken from LL Cool J’s home and no one in his family was harmed.