I know it's been awhile but I'm not going to say sorry because, well, I've been filling my life with so many things that make my heart so happy!
First I'll catch you up on what I've been up to:
- My husband and I recently went on vacation! You guys...this is the first real vacation I've been on in, uh, 5ish years. MUCH NEEDED. We explored northern California: 3 days in San Fransisco/Sonoma and 4 days in Yosemite and let me just say that neither of us wanted to leave! I shared a lot of our pictures on Instagram but here are some of my favorites:
- I've been putting a lot of my time and energy into my new speech brand, The Social Speechie. I started a YouTube channel and Instagram account and I've been really present over there! It's awesome getting to know people in the education space before I start grad school later this month. I start grad school August 28 and I start my new jobs (P.E. teacher and speech-language pathology assistant) August 15...eeeek!
- I've been getting a ton of use out of my Silhouette...I'm a graphic-tee making mad woman! I recently got a heat press (thanks Prime Day) so making shirts is a breeze! I've also been practicing my lettering and just spending a lot of my time creating. It's so therapeutic! ...and I may or may not be working on a fun graphic tee sales project!
Then I want to share a little life reflection with you:
I'm so HAPPY. Where I am now (mentally) compared to where I was this time 2 years ago is amazing to me. I feel like I am creating a life that I truly want to live. My priorities have really shifted (for the better) and I put a lot of importance on relationships and self-care and less on working myself to the bone and letting stress eat me alive. It's so wonderful.
And since I have been absent for so long I wanted to gift y'all with a little something...I recently revamped my grocery list and figured someone may be interested in the template so download away by clicking here! (The fonts I used are AG fonts that you can find here).
I like to list our dinners in the left column. We usually play the weekend by ear so I left those off. And I put dairy-ish because we do almond milk rather than regular milk 😂 Anywaaaaay!
Anything new + exciting happening in your life?xo, Jess