Living With a Makeup Artist?

By Mollylouise

I was applying my make-up quickly before a family barbecue and this happened. It was not intended. My 3 year old brother thought it would be cool to put some black eye-shadow on my face to improve my overall appearance (this even included my arm). Black seems to be his favorite shade in make-up as whenever he applies my make-up it is his 'go to' products. He forcefully used a blush brush to pack on the shadow and was surprisingly gentle when he transferred it onto my skin. If I was not going to see people I reckon I would have left in on my face until I was due to go to sleep. Boy, the black eye-shadow was hard to remove. I used eye-makeup remover to try and budge the shadow and it worked but not very well. I still had shimmer black smudges all over my cheek. I think it took like 30 minutes to remove using vaseline and a face cloth. I think he should go into the beauty professional world because he seems to be enthusiastic about the way shadow should be interpreted.☺