Living Overseas as an Expat: Do You Adopt the Local Customs?

By Mint Mocha Musings @nicoledwebb

My latest column for Expat Focus…

Image credit: hugolacasse / 123RF Stock Photo

It was Father’s Day in Australia this month, so we celebrated with Sunday brunch in Soho, uptown Hong Kong. Don’t let that fool you; I hadn’t exactly planned it around Father’s Day, if you know what I mean! 

It was a restaurant review and I was technically “working” but hey, a hearty feast of scrambled eggs, hash browns and baked beans, washed down with a fine glass of Italian Prosecco has to be better than a poke in the eye with a burnt piece of toast, right? 

For the record, as an expat I’m still not quite sure which country’s ‘special’ days you’re supposed to celebrate? Your home country or the one you’ve temporarily adopted? Admittedly, I’ve failed miserably at both this year.

When it was Father’s Day in Hong Kong, I insisted I’d forgotten because well, it wasn’t real was it?! Since when is Father’s Day in June! (But just you try getting a Father’s Day card here in September – ain’t gonna happen sister!) 

So it begs the question, when you’re living in a new country, just how much of those familiar traditions from home do you hang on to, no matter what the cultural climate?

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