Our Living in Harmony Exhibition is coming up and we have had so many pieces of art entered for this competition - thank you to everyone who has sent something in. We now need your help. We have posted some of our favourite pieces on our Facebook page, but we are finding it just too difficult to pick a top three - this is where you come in. Have a careful look through all 15 pieces and click 'Like' on the photo that is your favourite. Remember to keep in mind the theme of our exhibition - that is, local people living in harmony with their local wildlife. For example, part of PPP's remit is to reduce conflict between people, especially livestock farmers, and wildlife through various mitigation techniques - such as the placing of livestock guardian dogs on cattle farms to reduce conflict with leopards. This is just one way that people can learn to live in harmony with local wildlife, there are many more. I think some of these pieces really reflect this - let us know on Facebook which artworks you feel should win.