Live Life to the Fullest Because Tomorrow is Never Promised

By Dressmeupbuttercup @hazelsalcedo

“Live life to the fullest” – that is the usual mantra of many people, myself included. But there are many factors that hinder us from fully enjoying what life has to offer. We have to deal with a lot of problems or issues such as constraint in money (how will you enjoy life knowing you have nothing to spend and can’t afford whatever you like?), time (you’re too preoccupied with a lot of things that you can no longer pause and enjoy the view), and most especially health (it’s hard to enjoy life when you have many health complications). The last one rings very true because in my parents’ case, they have to take into consideration a lot of factors before doing things they used to enjoy in their younger years. My dad, who’s in his 70’s, just usually stay at home now instead of enjoying his retired years traveling (he used to want to explore Europe but due to his health issues he no longer can). It’s the same with my mom, who of course, can’t leave my dad alone in the house. 

A dear professor of mine recently passed away due to heart attack. I don’t normally experience death in my immediate family and from other people I personally know, so it came as a shock to me. I just saw my prof two days prior to his passing. It made me realize that life is indeed short. And it hit me real bad and I thought to myself that with just a snap of a finger, your life could be taken away from you. Although we can’t tell when our final judgment will come, we can do something to make our journey here on earth a little longer.

You’d be glad to know that there’s an FDA approved food supplement that promotes proper blood circulation to minimize the risk of heart disease. Circulan is a soft gel capsule that contains extracts from four potent herbs that work synergistically for proper blood circulation. Circulan 4-in-1 promises us good health with their tagline “Pangakong Kalusugan, Pangakong Circulan.”

Do yourself and your loved ones a favor, and remind them to take proper care of themselves. After all, we only have one life to live.

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