Live Life in Balance with MULTIFORCE

By Marialiberati

Living Life In Balance: Mineral-Rich Multiforce Helps Manage Excess Acidity Found in Many of America’s Favorite Foods & Beverages


Let’s face it – most of us are tempted by foods and beverages we know aren’t good for us. You know the usual culinary culprits – fatty meats, processed dinners, sugary desserts, salty snacks, alcohol, coffee and carbonated beverages among them.

Unfortunately, all of these favorites – as well as such seemingly healthier staples as dairy products, animal protein and even low-sugar cereals – are responsible for generating acid-forming chemicals in our bodies that over time can lead to a troubling array of health issues such as heartburn, acid reflux, osteoarthritis, chronic fatigue, joint pain and urinary infections.

No wonder so many Americans – the majority of whom follow a so-called Western Diet that favors processed foods over fruits and vegetables – are coping with one or more of the symptoms associated with excess acidity every day of their lives.

Is This You?

  • Too few fruits & veggies
  • Too many sugary snacks, processed foods, dairy products & meat dishes
  • Too much coffee, soda & alcohol
  • Too many flare-ups of heartburn, gout, joint pain or fatigue
  • Too many bouts of stress & fatigue

If so, excess acidity may well be the culprit (obviously, always check with your doctor for a professional diagnosis). The reason is simple: while it’s true that our bodies have amazing restorative properties and regulatory systems, it’s equally true that consuming too many acid- forming foods on a long-term basis leaves the body struggling to get rid of excess acid on a daily basis.

In fact, scientists believe that unless sufficient alkaline minerals are consumed, our bodies have little option but to extract them from bones and organs, putting us at risk of the lifestyle-related conditions mentioned above – and more.

Countering the Effects of Over-Acidity Although the best way to offset the effects of excess acidity is to cut down on high-acid foods and beverages and load up on alkaline-rich fruits and veggies, an all-natural, mineral-rich supplement called Multiforce can go a long way toward maintaining the ideal pH balance between acid and alkaline in our systems.

Multiforce contains a unique blend of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and mineral salts that are not only able to neutralize acid molecules, but to work systemically from head to toe as opposed to just zoning in on one select part of the body.

What’s more, Multiforce doesn’t rely on digestion to be absorbed – thus ensuring we won’t face the stomach discomfort or nausea often associated with traditional mineral supplements.  

SPECIAL OFFER — FREE BOTTLE OF MULTIFORCE (OVER THREE MILLION SOLD WORLDWIDE!) An all-natural alkaline powder that’s safe, proven and incredibly easy to use (just mix a teaspoon of powder with water), Multiforce is ideal for virtually anyone anxious to tackle the many symptoms associated with excess acidity. A glass of Multiforce is recommended last thing at night before bed and symptom relief can usually begin within two short weeks

To experience the many benefits of this highly effective supplement, redeem your FREE Multiforce at ($29.99 value, you pay only $4.95 S&H) with discount code: MariaMF (1 per household. Valid until April 6, 2018).