Liv Tyler for Hildebeast 2016

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Here’s another Hollyweirdo to shun:

Liv Tyler, 37, the low-information daughter of aging rocker Steven Tyler, who played “Arwen” in Lord of the Rings and is currently starring in the new HBO TV series The Leftover.

Helen Zhao reports for the Daily Mail, July 7, 2014, that “Rumour has it that Hillary Clinton is running for president in 2016. And Liv Tyler is making it clear that she’s all for it, pictured in a ‘Hillary For President’ T-shirt in a new Violet Grey fashion shoot.”

Tyler also pontificated on the importance of inner beauty: “There’s no cream that can fix you if you’re not beautiful on the inside.”

Hey, Liv, since “inner beauty” is so important to you, you really should use the few brain cells in your empty head to learn about Hillary:

  • How she callously dismissed the Obama regime’s lies about a video being the provocation for jihadists’ attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, with the words “What difference does it make?”
  • How she, as Secretary of State, abandoned Ambassador Chris Stevens and State Department information officer Sean Smith, as well as ex-Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods to die in Benghazi.
  • How she, who fancies herself a feminist, blames the woman Monica Lewinsky instead of her husband for their tawdry extramarital affair, referring to Lewinsky as “a narcissistic loony toon.”
  • How her closest friend says Hillary is ruthless, cutthroat, and vengeful.
  • How a longtime associate, Larry Nichols, confessed he’d killed people for Bill and Hillary.

And I dare you wear that disgusting “Hillary for President” t-shirt in the presence of the families of Stevens, Smith, Doherty and Woods, you pig.
