Little Ways To Take Your Blog To The Next Level

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Taking your blog to the next level can mean a lot of things. It can revolve around your need to drive up traffic numbers, or it could be your desire to monetise and make an income off of what you do online. No matter why you’re looking to make your blog bigger and better, there are some very reliable ways to do so. 

After all, you can make your blog look more professional with a few design tweaks, and you can take your entire blogging enterprise to the next level with similarly small but effective methods. Here are some of the best for your convenience. 

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Make Your Blog Subscriber Friendly

Making a blog subscriber friendly is easier said than done, sure, but it’s not impossible. You just need to have an incentive for anyone that visits! Something that’ll make them want to sign up for updates whenever you post something and/or make them want to join an emailing list you’re putting together. Maybe some exclusive tips they can’t find anywhere else? Maybe an exclusive discount for a course you’re holding? Make it shiny, give it value, and people will start subscribing. 

Change Your Hosting

Is your website slow? Has your website even been hacked, or are you worried about its security? Is it extra fiddly to add in a new plug in? If so, it might be worth it to check out a new website host. Some hosts perform better than others, and if you’re currently operating on a low or free hosting tier, you should check out how to Sign Up for something more robust, if a little more pricey. It’ll be worth it for the future of your blog, and it’s always good to invest in yourself. 

Update Old Posts

How many posts have you published on your blog so far? And how often have you gone back to check if the information is still relevant? Without regular rewrites it’s going to be hard to continue using old posts on your homepage or even in your portfolio, and people just aren’t going to be impressed by what you write. So delve into the content you published two or three years ago – does it still hold up? Could it do with a few modern edits? 

Post to Social Media More Often

Social media is the best place to promote your blog. It’s one of the main ways to drive traffic to your homepage, seeing as it meets people where they are. And when people don’t have to go far to find something interesting to read, they’re going to come back for more in the future! So if you want to build a bigger reader base, you might need to employ some clever clickbait. Be relevant by asking some questions, and then promise the answer in the link provided in the post below. 

Taking your blog to the next level is often done in small ways. Using them in tandem makes a very big impact! 

Thank you for reading!